U.S. retail ecommerce sales for the third quarter of 2017 were reported at $115.3 billion, according to U.S. Census Bureau News. This represents a 3.6% increase from the previous quarter, with the data suggesting an upward trend in the percentage of e-commerce sales as a portion of total quarterly retail sales. These statistics point to the importance of ecommerce for revenue growth, making ecommerce management more important than ever. And the faster you can deploy ecommerce integration, the sooner you can reap its benefits.

While large enterprises often have more resources to devote to ecommerce integration, small and medium-sized businesses do not. Maybe that’s why over 70% of small business websites have no ecommerce at all. Small business ecommerce solutions need to deliver fast results with a quick ROI. In this article, we take a closer look at how you can speed up the integration process without sacrificing quality.

The importance of small business data integration

Before we dive into the ways you can integrate your ERP with ecommerce platforms, let’s discuss why this integration is important. Data integration delivers many benefits, including:

Faster ecommerce integration

Now that we know why ecommerce integration is important, let’s dig into just how fast it can be accomplished. The time required depends largely on the integration provider, making this an important decision.

Most vendors in the market today will tell you they need several weeks to get your ecommerce integration up and running. Let’s think about that. Given the number of businesses setting up these ecommerce integrations, why should it take so long? Are all these integrations really that different from one another? Do they truly require weeks of custom consulting work?

In reality, it should not take long to set up ecommerce integrations. All of these integrations are not that different from one another. And they do not require weeks of custom consulting work. So let’s take a look at how a truly fast ecommerce integration can be delivered.

So the big question is, “Does such a system exist?” Obviously, yes. We at Alluvia believed it was possible to build a flexible architecture that could account for the nuances from one business and one platform to the next – making ecommerce integration possible in less than a day. This vision is now a reality, making ecommerce integration faster than ever before.

Let’s do the math

Each provider will give you varying timelines on ecommerce integration, but let’s be optimistic and assume a shorter-than-normal timeline of four weeks. If we compare this to the one-day setup that is now possible, Alluvia delivers ecommerce integration up to 20 times faster than the competition. This certainly changes the playing field when it comes to integration, opening up new opportunities for small and medium-sized businesses.

Smaller businesses simply cannot afford to pay high consulting fees when it comes to ecommerce integration. More importantly, these businesses need to be in the marketplace now, with data synchronization in place and a streamlined workflow. Fortunately, fast and affordable ecommerce integration has become a reality.

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Intuitive data integration for a reasonable price.

Smart solutions start with simplicity. Let us show you how quickly you can connect your ERP to ecommerce and marketplace systems using a simple drag-and-drop mapping interface powered by flexible integration architecture. Alluvia is a plug-and-play solution at a cost you can control.